Thursday, September 24, 2009

YEAH!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric started to graft!!!!

Yeah !!!!! WAHOO!!!! Eric started to GRAFT!!! YEAH!!!! I am so excited We needed that! He is officially 0.4 today !!! It is Day 15 and 9/24/09 and he started to GRAFT! I will forever remember these dates ( 9/9/09 Transplant Day and 9/24/09 Graft Day) !It has been a rough few weeks, I know we still have a long road ahead of us and that Eric is not in the clear yet but I am just so HAPPY he started to graft. The doctors say he should slowly start to feel a little better each day, slowly start to have a little less pain each day.

He did have a better day yesterday he was still in alot of pain but not as much, he was able to actually be awake a little bit and talk to me today. He even made a few jokes to me while struggling to talk, that is always a good sign for Eric! When he is being funny and joking I know my old Eric is back and that he is feeling a little better, more himself! I miss his humor, laughing at the things he says so unexpectedly- that is what makes him such a great guy!

The kids are so excited when I told them that Daddy has started to graft, they were screaming and yelling! Austin put on his face book status " Yes Wahoooooooooo!!! Yeaaaaah for grafting!!!!" Chelsea said " Yeaaah Tell Dad I love him!" I am so happy that it's a start to a end, if that makes sense to every one. The other day on one of Eric's hardest, hardest day- I mean I have never seen him like this before- I was trying to just talk to Eric even though he was weak and just staring at me and couldn't respond. I was trying to give him hope, more reasons to fight- I told him "The kids love you and are so excited to come see you next week. Do you remember they are coming next week?" He said " I am so excited, excited more than anything in the world to see them!" It was so neat, his eyes sparkled again for a few minutes when he said that. He had just said the day before when I was showering him- the nurse had came in and was saying something to me about Eric's counts but he was so out of it he thought she was saying that she had good news, that he grafted. He looked at me once she left and grab both my hands and said, "Did you hear that, what is the good news- tell me? Did she say I grafted today?" It was the hardest thing I had to do he looked so excited and happy , a face I have not seen for a while now. I had to look at him and burst his bubble and say " Ohh no honey, she said that no changes on your counts, no grafting yet." That was so sad, so hard to say to him, heartbreaking. He looked at me and said " I just need some good news, I thought we had some good news today that I had started to graft."

Wow- that was hard! Today though, today I got to say to him " You grafted Eric!" He was sleeping and 2 nurses came in at 6:30am and said " Congratulations! You have started to graft!!!" They were so excited, I woke Eric up and said " Did you hear that Eric, you grafted- we both started to cry!" What an amazing feeling!!!! I know I am on a high right now, I realize we have so much more of our journey but today, at least for TODAY WE ARE GOING TO ENJOY THIS MOMENT! I hope it just starts to get better and better, slowly I know but better!


  1. Oh Tammie & Eric!!!!! I am SOOO EXCITED for you!!!! I am crying tears of joy,happiness, and relief for you!!!! YAAAAYYYY!!!! What a happy day!!! Hang in there...each day will be better and better!!!!

    We love you guys!!


  3. Wow you are on the way up now. Terrific news!!!!! Isn't it wonderful to go from 0% into numbers going up, hopefully rapidly?

    Loved to hear about Eric and the banderas! Incentive is good, especially for competitive guys.

    Sounds like Eric will be feeling better for a great visit with the kids in October.

    A wonderful answers to many prayers,

    The Hurleys

  4. Yeah, that is awesome. I am so excited for you two. It is so refreshing to hear some goods news. Hope Eric starts to feeling better soon.
