Monday, September 28, 2009

A little tired...

Today Eric was a little tired and slept alot of the day. Energy was a little less today, he couldn't sleep all night last night for some reason, They tried giving him ambien and he still was awake all night so he went out a few times through the night and walked and received more of those M & M's. The problem with being up all night is he sleeps in the day- the nights and days are mixed up!

Tonight Eric's nausea for some reason returned, he is still not eating but is drinking alot of water. They had to increase his ABH nausea medicine. They took him down to do a ultra sound of his kidneys due to increased levels, they are concerned his kidneys might have been damaged so they will reviews the ultra sound to see. Eric's hands have started to hurt and turn like a sunburn red color on them, discoloring. We were worried that this was a possible GVHD- Graft Verse Host it can be a sign. The charge nurse looked at it due to Eric is in alot of pain from it. She asked him to rate his pain from it and he said an 8 out of 10 so they gave him additional pain medication/ morphine. The charge nurse says it can be a side effect of the chemo he received ATG so they have given him some cream to keep putting on them until tomorrow morning when the doctors can look at it and see what they feel it is and what to do.

The kids come tomorrow afternoon and we are so EXCITED!!! :) We have missed them so much and I can not wait to see them when they get to see their Dad! He has been so excited, pushing himself to get better for them to visit and make sure he is feeling better, I am so proud of him and grateful for the love he has for the kids, he is amazing to watch such a strong relationship they have. It has always been like that long before all this stuff, we have always been a very close family but going through something like this makes you even closer.

I want to thank everyone again, there are so many of you that have supported, loved, prayed for us and helped us in so many ways we can not begin to name everyone. We have many kind acts of love and support that I can not begin to express our gratitude enough! I will never be able to thank all of you enough and do back all the wonderful things that have been done for us but please know that Eric, I and the kids will continue to live everyday of our lives paying it forward, paying back in every kind act we can do for you and others just the way you all have done for us! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We are very grateful and know the Lord has guided and directed all this.


  1. Enjoy your visit with you children. There just isn't enough time in this world to spend with them. You are a strong woman and Eric is stronger than he knows. Your experience is an amazing one.

  2. Eric...

    Uncle Ken and I are so glad that you are feeling a little better. I imagine a room with a view would improve your spirits right now!

    Music does sooth the soul. Just know that you are constantly in our prayers Eric and we admire you for all you are enduring.

    Both you and Tammie have had to deal with so much and Eric you never cease to amaze me!

    You are always so up beat with the Lord's help.

    We are sending a DVD of the 1989 Christmas party. Gayle came across it while going through Uncle Rodney's things after he died! It brings back a lot of good memories of the Christmas parties we had in the past. Hopefully, this will cheer you up a little.

    We love you,

    Aunt Angie and Uncle Ken
