Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home with a nurse...

Sorry I did not get a chance to update this yesterday we had a crazy busy day. They let me bring Eric home with a home health care nurse who comes in daily to care for him. They have a heart monitor on him watching him very close. With the blood pressure medicine his blood pressure has improved 128/88 better....He still is not eating but he has started to eat Ensure drinks so that is good for nutrition.

He has some mouth sores as well as his throat hurts and is hard to talk from the TEE scope procedure they did on him. So now we wait constant daily monitoring him with the home health care nurse until we get the call to fly to Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center when his donor is ready.

He has no immune system they say he is not even 1% so he has to wear a mask every where. If anyone comes sees him they need to wash up good, wear a mask and not come if they or anyone in their family have been or feel sick. Eric is at great risk right now for anything......We are glad we were able to bring him home for now, the kids missed him. His spirits are better when he is home around his family! He slept better last night however fear of his heart rate he still needs the Ambien in order to get some sleep.....We will keep everyone posted when we have new information to share but for now we are praying his donor will be firmed up and medically cleared so we can get Eric's transplant.We love you all!


  1. It must be nice to be home! Hope everything is going good and Eric can feel a little better just by being home. Will keep you in our prays.

  2. Hi Tammie,
    I am so glad you started this blog. I didn't realize what was happening with your family. I am so sorry, and you will definately be in our prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help, dinners, driving kids, whatever. I would be more than willing to help. Take care. Heather Stark
