Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 6 of Chemo....

Well alot to update.... they performed the TEE test on Eric's heart and found out that his heart looks pretty good no damage on his heart, no infection and no leaky valve-that was great news! However still his heart rate is only staying in the 40's.

Today is his last day on the chemo for now they want to try to get his heart rate up so I could possibly take him home even though he has no immune system right now they feel he is better at home in a quarantined environment instead of the hospital with other sick people.

They are setting him up with a home nurse that will come in everyday to help me and monitor his heart rate as well as CBC blood counts, pic line, flushes etc. We are hoping after we talk to the cardiologist late this morning we can find out if at all possible to go home with a heart monitor as well.

Just an update then from here we will be daily monitored with his nurse and drugs while his donor is being prepared which they have found 3 good match donors for Eric!!! So they will get all the tests they need on them to be cleared to be Eric's donor which then they will take 2 of them and prepare them for donor drugs and will only use one however keeping the other person on the back burner so in case we end up needing them in Texas.

We are just waiting for the donor to cleared and ready for the bone marrow transplant which can be at least a week to two from now so any day we could be going to Texas for the bone marrow transplant.

Then when we get out there while they are giving his donor the shots to prepare for the transplant Eric will again go through even more chemo pretty high dose with full body radiation then he would start the actual transplant. So it's for now a HURRY UP AND WAIT situation....everyday day brings new challenges and new hurdles but we know the Lord hears our prayers and his carrying us through this.

Please keep Eric in your prayers and pray that not only does his heart rate go up so he doesn't need a pace maker but also that he can stay clear of any infections and sickness to his immune system but most of all that his donor will be firmed up soon and cleared to start the transplant!
We love you all and our blessed to have your love and support!

1 comment:

  1. Eric , Tammie

    I'm glad to see that things seem to be looking up. Were praying for you and let us know if you need anything.

