Sunday, October 25, 2009

Emotionally hard...

Today and the last few days have been emotional and hard days. A few things have happened that has made Eric and I hurt and sad. First of all Eric is doing as good as can be expected, each day about the same right now and trying to get stronger. His blood counts are good. His white cells are 4.6. Hematocrit 9.6, Red Cells 3.31 and platelets 53 all pretty good! He says that he feels ok he gets tired really easy but again that is expected he is still trying to recover and these first 100 days are so critical.

Eric has been doing pretty good with me being gone but I will glad when I get back to him next week. Emotionally we have been on roller coasters and some days are always better than others. We had a few comments placed on the blog that were very disturbing and disheartening and it left us a little taken back and upset. I do not understand how anyone can take someone personal struggle and trial and create a mean thing out of it. I just thought no one in the world could or would ever be so hurtful, rude and so insensitive. It is sad that people can not see this trial and struggle we are going through for what it is. A learning moment for all of us on how precious life is and how we should love and value people before we do not have anymore time with them!

I felt so bad when Eric saw and heard of the comments and what was going on. It seemed as if that sparkle he has had disappeared emotionally. He will rebound he is a strong and wonderful person who always is so positive. I have a little harder time I think with it. He has always been better at that kind of thing than I am. I am just so confused as to why some people would hurt us when we are going through so much already. We are good people who opened up all our private struggle, family and emotions to so many and it hurts to be taken advantage of. I keep telling myself that surely these people feel bad and will apologize but I hate to say I do not think they will as I just don't think they obviously know Eric and I nor care about our feelings.

Enough about all that! Eric and I have decided to just keep the blog going as it is protecting ourselves by making it so when some one comments we have to see it first and then we choose if it is appropriate or not, to accept it or not and then it will post. So please do not let all this ruin sending Eric comments, love and support- he loves hearing from everyone. It boosts his spirits and gives him hope and strength! We will continue to blog and hopefully the people who did what they did will leave us alone and not use such a personal trial to hurt anyone! Thanks again for all the love, prayers and support! As you can see we really need it!!!


  1. Please don't take those comments personally. Some people have nothing better to do than to browse through other people's blogs and leave rude comments. It's happened to me on my blog before, and I just delete and move on. Comment moderation is a great tool, as well, as you have figured out. Your journey is truly inspiring, so keep on blogging. :o) If you do decide to go private, we would love an invite. doreen1999 at yahoo dot com

    -Doreen (from Baybrook, my husband has given Eric rides a couple of times)

  2. I have been so uplifted by your positive attitude and I know that the Lord is looking out for you. We in the Baybrook Ward love and admire you. I have not had the pleasure to personaly meet you yet but my daughter and grandson have and have commented on what a great family you are, Hang in there I put your name in the temple each week when I work.

  3. Sorry. Can't imagine the comments & not going to try... Just know that we love you and are cheering for Eric and the whole family! Love you all!!!

  4. It is hard to imagine that people can be that rude. I sure hope it wasn't someone close to Eric or you that would make comments so hurtful. You two are so strong and make the world a better place. Don't let people like that get you down. It is those people who have a bitter life and want to make everyone else feel the same. Thank for you keeping this blog going, so we can read the progress with Eric. Let Eric know we are thinking about him and praying for him daily. We hope to see him soon.
