Well since we received the good news on Eric's bone marrow biopsies and tests from Texas we have had some good steps forward. Eric's home health nurses do not come now anymore, we just go into the doctors weekly every Friday. That is good.. we miss all his sweet nurses though that became like part of our family while caring for Eric- they did a great job and we are so grateful to them!! Eric's blood counts and level this week look good, they are all still in the critical low abnormal level but doing ok. His white cells are at 3.8 and his red blood cells are doing very well at 4.29, his Hemoglobin at 14.4 and his platelets for the first time in 8 years they are at 99 today!! Can you believe that he has not been this high for 8 years at least- how amazing!! Normal is 140,000 to 450,000 so still way off and low but the best he has been in 8 years so we will take it!!
We are so grateful to the Lord for all our blessings and we recognize his hands in our lives. We have been given so many blessings and miracles that we are so grateful for. We are so grateful for his donor whom without his unconditional love and donating Eric his bone marrow - Eric would not be alive today! As we are coming up on Conference weekend and we remember Christ's Resurrection and the Atonement I am overwhelmed with emotions. I feel a deep appreciation and love for Christ and all he went through for us. Watching Eric come to deaths door and slowly climb out of deaths grips back to life brought such an amazing love and appreciation for Christ and his Resurrection. So many scriptures remind us of all he has done for us and what we must do to live with him again. " I am the resurrection, and the life he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." John 11:25-26
I feel like this is Eric's new beginning, like his rebirth from his bone marrow transplant... a new fresh start, a new life free hopefully of all cancer and a rebirth to a new chapter in our lives. I love spring time I always have. The beautiful new bloom on the spring flowers, that come up out of the cold wintery left soil blooming with new life- beautiful colors of hope,new beginnings and new start. I am excited for the spring and the season to change cause with that comes new hope and experiences that we have learned to cherish so much in life! Eric has taught me so much but one of the most precious things I have learned from him is courage and perseverance, to NEVER GIVE UP! He has always shown that but through out his bone marrow transplant he has been a true example of that to me and my children. As Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin quoted " Never Give Up! Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly hoping for some good thing to happen.... It gives us hope by helping us realize that the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying." Eric did this- he did not give up on living, he fought for every breathe he takes and to be alive. For that and him I am grateful... so grateful. We are so grateful and will cherish every second we have forever!!